
Do you need help? You're in the right place.

We are currently accessible on both Apple iOS and Android platforms, ensuring a broad user base can utilize our services seamlessly.

Our core service is, and will remain, free for all users. As we move forward, premium add-on may encompass a range of additional features.

We don't. By prioritizing privacy in our products, we refrain from accessing your data. You retain full control, as it remains solely on your device.

Absolutely. The search feature operates with complete privacy, ensuring no tracking occurs before you click on links or images. However, it's essential to note that visiting external links or images will subject you to their respective operational procedures on those external pages or images. For added privacy, you can utilize a VPN.

Currently, we have no plans to introduce a chat feature. Numerous applications already offer chat functionality, both online and offline. Our primary focus remains on enhancing core features such as web and knowledge search, which are utilized by most users.

Alongside our pre-selected options, you have the option to specify any GGUF-compatible LLM in the settings. Please be aware that the functionality of certain engines may be affected by your choice (model accuracy) and the hardware specifications (available RAM) of your device.

Absolutely not. The app will always remain free of any advertisements. We firmly believe that ads compromise the integrity of a privacy-focused experience, and as such, we have no intention of incorporating them into any of our products.

The app's search function operates offline, with your device handling the task of searching through a vast dataset. This process, while ensuring privacy by avoiding cloud-based processing, may take some time due to the sheer volume of data being processed locally on your device.

Please ensure that you've selected the appropriate model if you're using your own. Additionally, consider that your device may not have sufficient processing power, as offline processing demands significant resources from your local device. If you encounter any other issues or errors, feel free to contact us through the contact form on the site.

You can't use complex AI tools/methods because we aim to keep our app as user-friendly as possible. By intentionally avoiding complex tools, we ensure that everyone can easily understand and utilize our platform without the need for specialized expertise or technical knowledge.