
Explore our range of privacy-focused products, where each offering embodies our commitment to safeguarding your digital presence. From our flagship app Luge to a suite of upcoming innovative solutions, your privacy is our priority.


Luge is our flagship mobile app. Giving you a gateway to a private and seamless search experience.

Search for websites, and ask questions—all while safeguarding your privacy. Our model ensures secure searches, free from intrusive ads and tracking, leveraging the power of Large Language Models.

Dive into the digital realm with confidence, knowing that your online activities remain completely confidential.

Soon... Snow

Introducing Snow, a hardware box serving as your personal private AI hub, currently in the R&D phase.

Designed as an optional add-on that complements the Luge app seamlessly, Snow integrates into your home environment, offering advanced AI services with a focus on privacy and security.

Embrace the future of where physical hardware puts you in control, perfectly aligned with our vision of innovation & privacy.